Hello bladies and bladers!
As many of you may already know, we are working on the new 572 frame model and also the hblocks (which both are in production already at this point). We were testing both for quite a while now and we have quite much to say.

Problem is: I have very little time to write a decent thorough post about testing, conclusions, challenges and more. So please excuse me for this post which will say very little: really big post about these 2 projects is coming soon.
What will it be:
1) The whole idea behind these 2 “projects” and also how we came to this idea,
2) Reports from our testers (video included),
3) My personal experience and thoughts about these 2 projects (me learning to grind)(videos included),
4) Information about upcoming new frame models and some further “projects”,
5) Maybe some more… we will see in the process,
5) Sum up and approximate release dates.
At this point we already have passed the prototype testing phase and based on tester reports made several changes to design and actually already received the samples from our supplier.
Two pairs of samples were already sent to youtubers for testing and their reviews. So their reviews may even appear earlyer than we will make a post. This highly depends on both reviewers and we don’t have any information about how soon will the videos be there.
That’s it for now.
Stay tuned.
– Jevgeny
Damn, sounds so cool. I think this would be a very interesting frame for me to start grinding. Pretty stoked!