Survey: Clothing preferences

Survey: Clothing preferences

Rockin' Frames Survey: Clothing preferences
You know us, we always have new projects and ideas and we have new one in mind. It would really help us out if you could answer a few questions about your preferences here. It will take about 5 minutes. Voting is anonymous.

1. What is your gender?*

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2. What are your preferred skating styles? (multiple choice)*

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3. Have you got any of our products already?*

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4. Are you planning to buy our products in the future?*

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5. Let’s talk clothing. What is more important to you: style or functionality?*

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6. Tell us about your style:*

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7. What kind of fit do you prefer for tops?*

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8. What kind of fit do you prefer for bottoms?*

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9. What size pants / shorts / other bottoms do you wear for skating?*

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10. What size T-shirts and hoodies do you wear?*

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11. What kind of issues do you most often have with the way tops fit? (multiple choice)*

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12. What kind of issues do you most often have with the way bottoms fit? (multiple choice)*

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13. For skating you usually wear:*

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14. Is your choice based on the weather conditions (hot / cold / windy / sunny / rainy)?*

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15. How many pairs of pants / shorts / etc have you destroyed while skating?*

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16. For skating sessions you wear:*

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17. You use protective gear (elbowpads, knee pads, protective shorts, etc):*

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18. How important is it to you that your gear / clothes be unrestrictive?*

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19. Back to T-shirts for skating. Which would you prefer?*

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20. What is your preference for other tops?*

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21. How often do you wash your skating clothes?*

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22. What are your views on quality / price / sustainability / number of clothing items for skating?*

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